zdravje in lepota
bolezen in disharmonija
Hiperbarična komora OxyHelp je zasnovana in izdelana po zelo strogih tehničnih specifikacijah.
Predstavljajte si svet, v katerem se kakovost življenja s starostjo izboljšuje. Svet, v katerem je učinkovita zdravstvena nega na voljo vsakomur, ne glede na družbeni status, poklic, barvo kože, ali versko pripadnost. Vsi se zavedamo, da je bolje preprečevati, kakor zdraviti. Morda pa obstaja možnost, da odpravimo zdravstvene težave človeštva, ki ni zgolj znanstvena fantastika? Pri OxyHelpu smo predani izkoriščanju vseh pozitivnih lastnosti kisika in hiperbaričnega kisikovega tretmaja, kot dopolnilne metode za doseganje ciljev v športu ter izboljšanje splošnega počutja in stanja telesa.
Postopek dovajanja kisika znotraj komore, ki je pod tlakom, telesu pomaga sprejeti dodatne količine kisika in ga prenesti do krvnih celic, krvne plazme, cerebrospinalne tekočine ter drugih ključnih telesnih tekočin. Povečan vnos kisika v poškodovana tkiva lahko spodbudi okrevanje in deluje blagodejno.
Hiperbarična terapija je dopolnilno področje zdravljenja, ki lahko pomaga v širokem spektru in izboljša kakovost življenja.
Sprva razvita kot zdravljenje za bolezen zaradi dekompresije pri potapljačih, ki se povrnejo na površje in morajo ponovno vzpostaviti normalno ravnotežje tlaka, se je hiperbarična terapija s kisikom izkazala za uporabno pri zdravljenju različnih stanj.
Več o morebitnih tveganjihKisik je nujno potreben za normalno celično presnovo. Vedno več je pozitivnih pričevanj, referenc iz raziskav in izkušenj iz praktične uporabe hiperbaričnega kisikovega tretmaja. Mnogi zvezdniki ga uporabljajo kot metodo proti staranju, poklicni športniki ga uporabljajo za hitrejše okrevanje po intenzivnih vadbah in napornih profesionalnih nastopih.
Gemma Morris, Sky News reporter Gemma Morris, a Sky News reporter who previously presented the case of a young boy undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy, decides to try it for herself in one of our hyperbaric chambers, the Oxylife I. Inside the chamber, she communicates with Dr. Pender and Tim, the owner of the clinic, through the speaker phone. They answer her questions such as what happens inside the body during the therapy and what are the effects and benefits of the therapy.
Magdalena Madej, OxyMedica, Poland We purchased our Oxyhelp chamber in September 2016. Before that, our company owned a Japanese model which didn’t work as we expected (there were recurrent small issues which prevented us from using it regularly). Before buying our new chamber from OxyHelp we were able to discuss all the questions that arised during our work with the previous one. The company owners were very understanding and treated our case individually with regard to all those problems we had with the previous chamber and to our particular (difficult at that time) situation. The staff was always there to answer our questions. In case we needed personal intervention (upgrading of our chamber) it was provided without delay. Besides that there were no problems with our chamber. It is reliable and never disappoints us.
Dr Robert Pender, hyperbaric oxygen therapy expert Hyperbaric expert Dr Robert Pender talks in this short video about the usage of hyperbaric chamber for autism, stroke, brain damage and cancer patients.
Medical Center, Russia We helped install the Oxyhelp hyperbaric chamber, model Oxylife I 80 in Russia, The Republic of Dagestan, for a medical center that provides oxygen therapy sessions for clients of all ages.
Jerzy Trojanek, Częstochowa, Poland I was looking for hyperbaric chambers that would meet EU requirements, which can be helpful for people with any illnesses. I found OxyHelp Industry, a manufacturer that values safety and comfort, ease of operation and service, including warranty conditions. The OxyHelp hyperbaric oxygen chamber is perfect for people that need the health benefits provided by Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
Alexander Lowen, The Voice of the Body It is a common belief that we breathe with our lungs alone, but in point of fact, the work of breathing is done by the whole body.
Cena vključuje komoro in nadzorno enoto OxyLife I, brez dodatne opreme, kot je klimatska naprava.
Komora ima v notranjosti standardne šobe za dovajanje, ki se lahko povežejo s katero koli vrsto mask. Poiščite tip maske, ki je udobna in vam ustreza. Prosimo vas, da maske kupite sami, lokalno
Ne, vsi izdelki OXYHELP (Oxylife I in Oxylife C) so registrirani kot nemedicinski, komercialni pripomočki, ki se uporabljajo za wellness in sprostitev.
Najvišji dovoljen tlak, ki se uporablja v Oxylife nemedicinskih komorah znaša 0,5 Bar, oziroma 1,5 ATM.
40 sekund.