If you’re considering HBOT, it’s important to understand the benefits and risks this therapy entails. The treatment should be discussed with a certified healthcare professional to develop a plan of action based on scientific evidence and tailored to your exact condition.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used as complementary therapy to address several medical problems. The theory is simple, the body’s tissues need a specific intake of oxygen to function under normal conditions. When the body’s tissues are injured, the body needs supplemented levels of oxygen to activate its natural healing properties. The elevated pressure inside the HBOT chamber contributes to the body’s capacity to absorb oxygen.
Oxygen therapy to get your system back in balance
There are a number of chronic diseases that puzzle specialists or do not respond to conventional medical interventions. People will go to numerous medical specialists, including to alternative specialists, such as holistic medicine representatives. The aim of complementary medicine is to help balance the mind and body, let go of stress factors, and restore the natural healing capabilities.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is recommended in aiding conditions for which blood flow and additional oxygen to vital organs can prove beneficial. HBOT used as complementary therapy is subject to specific medical protocols and should not be considered an universal treatment that can replace proven medical therapies.
Optimum levels of oxygen are known to have anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial and tissue healing properties which can accelerate healing and provide the needed oxygen intake for hypoxic situations. It can be used in conjunction with other auxiliary therapies to treats medical conditions that include:
Skin and soft tissues diseases:
- Thermal burns, chemical burns, radiation burns
- Frostbite
- Scalds
- Skin infections (erysipelas, pyoderma, actinomycosis, aspergillosis, Gram negative bacteria infections, nosocomial infections)
- Dry skin
- Cutaneous ulceration (caused by vein insufficiency , arteritis obliterans, smoking, diabetes)
- Gas gangrene
- Fournier gangrene
- Cutaneous and myocutaneous skin
- Soft tissue necrosis
- Skin grafts and flaps (compromised)
- Varicose veins
- Blood loss
Diseases of the circulatory system:
- Decompression sickness
- Air or gas embolism
- Bleeding
- Post surgery reperfusion syndrome in vascular surgery
- Arteries
- Arterial insufficiency – the occlusion of central retinal artery
- Thrombophlebitis
- Microangiopathy
- Severe anemia
Osteo-articular and muscular system disorders:
- Acute spinal cord injury
- Infected bone injuries
- Fractures
- Sprains
- Ligament rupture
- Crush injury
- Compartment syndrome
- Osteitis, osteomyelitis, osteodiscita
- Aseptic bone necrosis
- Radiation osteitis (osteoradionecroza)
- Arthrosis
- Discopathies
- Clostridium difficile myositis and myonecrosis (muscle necrosis)
- Recovery from trauma and other traumatic acute ischemia
Respiratory diseases:
- Poisoning (carbon monoxide, smoke, cyanide and other toxic substances)
- Decompression sickness or caisson disease (occur at divers, pilots, mountain climbing at high altitudes)
- Intrauterine or perinatal hypoxia
- Cardiac arrest
- Pulmonary edema
- Pulmonary embolism
- Esophageal varices
Digestive disorders:
- Periodontitis
- Radiation disease (ileitis, ulcer)
- Crohn’s disease
- Ulcerative colitis
- RCUH (ulcerative colitis)
- Recovery of damaged liver tissues
- Hemorrhoids
Diseases of the kidney:
- Cystitis radiation
- Diabetic nephropathy
Central nervous system disorders:
- TBI (traumatic brain injury)
- Cerebral edema
- Intracranial abscess
- Meningitis
- Meningoencephalitis
- Acute spinal cord injury
- Ischemia acute medullary
Peripheral nervous system disorders:
- Taste and smell disorders
- Facial paralysis
- Trigeminal neuralgia
- Diabetic neuropathy
Adjuvant pain therapy:
- Acute, chronic low back pain
- Discopathy
- Migraine
- Arthrosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Paresthesias
- Plegia
- Neuralgia (facial nerve, the trigeminal)
Adjuvant cancer therapy:
- Inhaled oxygen under pressure has a toxic effect on any type of bacteria, aerobic or anaerobic, that’s why it prevents and improves many conditions. It’s the most powerful natural antibiotic. Hyperbaric oxygen is the only antibacterial therapy.
- Usually, red blood cells carry oxygen in the body. All tissues oxygenates well, breathe and became filled with life when oxygen is inhaled under the pressure and enters through plasma.
- Infection outbreaks and toxicity occur in the body and some tissues are not properly oxygenated because we do not consume enough water daily (H2O) and because of many other factors that stand in the way of having a normal blood flow. In this environment devoid of oxygen, the cells turn into cancer cells and adapt to the new toxic environment. A cell needs oxygen to live and function normally. Oxygen is the most powerful enemy of cancer. Cancer cells are anaerobic, they are killed by oxygen.
Adjuvant treatment of addictions:
- Alcohol addiction
- Drug addiction